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Introducing Transmittals:What is a Transmittal?

What is a Transmittal?

A Transmittal is a recorded electronic communication.

In context, a transmittal refers to distributing a document electronically and recording the transaction. Thus, the distribution list, sender, send action and receive action are all recorded and auditable.


  • You can create a transmittal, attach documents to it and send it to your chosen recipients, which can be both internal and external.
  • Review transmittal recipients are given a predetermined amount of time to respond with any comments they may have. This is called the Closeout Period.
  • Users without Documentum access will be able to receive a transmittal via an external website called the Transmittal Portal.


The Transmittal Portal will not have a direct connection to Documentum and users will not require a license.


The main benefit of using transmittals to communicate documents is that they are recorded and auditable which protects both Heathrow and its Suppliers.


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