Create & Work
Review & Publish
Uploading Documents:Uploading Documents

Uploading Documents

  1. Navigate to the folder where the document number placeholder is held
  2. Select the placeholder and File/Check Out or Right-Click/Check Out or click O.
  3. The placeholder will now be locked.
  4. Select the placeholder and File/Check In or Right-Click/Check In or click I to open the Check In window.
If you do not have permissions to upload a document into the chosen folder the following error message will be launched:
  1. Click the Add Files button
  2. Select the desired version number
  3. Browse to and select the file to be uploaded.
  4. Update or append any any additional properties and click OK to upload.


To import more than one file, the bulk upload tool is recommended as different properties can be assigned to each file from a predefined spreadsheet

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